Yet another spider encounter in my really strange vision style of dreams. I have never been fond of spiders. They leap out at the worst possible times...I was thoroughly convinced that they had it in for me. I have gotten used to them after I moved to the OBX. We get more large spiders here than back home in Pennsylvania. Grass spiders in my bathroom sink, garden spiders the size of a ping pong ball chilling on the oleander off my porch, orb weavers making 2 1/2 foot webs to catch people if they go walking at night, and jumpers the size of quarters living on my screen doors.
I forget how the dream started out, I just know it was a "normal" style of dream. Somewhere along the line I was in the woods, though not ones that were familiar to me. The forest floor wasn't green with ferns or grass, it was pretty barren. The trees were tall and wide. It was there I met a jumping spider that was large enough that it's eyes were about the size of your average dinner plate. Okay, maybe a little smaller, but I could still see the iris of it...way too big for my liking. At least with it being that big I could tell it was a jumper. Their eyes are kind of tell-tale if you're familiar with them. The iridescent fangs kind of gave it away too, but still...seeing a jumper that could probably take you down without a problem, was unsettling.
Jumpers are amazing, they're the only spider family that I'm cool with. The phidippus is my favorite, a female phidippus otisis is the spider that I got a shot of at the top of my entry here. Normally their curious and friendly. However, imagine facing one that could be stalking you, and the feeling may not be so friendly to start off. It looked like a phidippus audax, at least that's the closest I can come up with.
It was never a bad feeling that I got off of this guy. I never felt sick to my stomach or like my insides were screaming that this is bad. He was just large. His pedipalps kept moving over his chelicerae, but there was no other movement really. I had hoped this meant I was in good terms, as I assumed if I was metaphysical lunch he would have jumped at me by now. He was a ways away, but even at maybe 15 yards, he was still too close for comfort. He abruptly started a dialog, though I couldn't tell you whether the voice came from the spider or in my own head. It seemed to whisper from several directions, though his chelicarae moved a lot when he was "speaking". It went something like this, S will be the easy way to reference Spider
S: You are healer
Me: No, I have healing tendencies, I am no healer.
S: You are heeeeealer
Me: No, I have not had training to become a healer, I only know some things.
S: *his pedidae groom the chelicarae* You are healer. Some things are older than traditions.
Me: Is there something you need me to do? I can do what I can...
S: You say only tendencies, but you are healer. We are old, know healing before you, we teaching healing. You are healer.
The "conversation" goes on like this back and forth for a while. He kept going back to 'you don't need training, you already do what you're supposed to' kind of idea. I kept insisting that I have no idea what he's talking about that I can do little things but it's not where I'm at yet.
While it was very intense to be confronted by a monstrous jumping spider...I'm not sure if there's something to do about this or not. For now, I'll just let it ride.
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